Aarhus University Seal

CLAI talks autumn

Our online, bi-weekly CLAI-talks continue in the autumn of 2024.

Info about event


Thursday 29 August 2024, at 16:36 - at

The Center for Language Generation and Artificial Intelligence (CLAI) is happy to announce our bi-weekly talks of the autumn semester 2024. The talks by esteemed associated researchers will be open to the public and are given on Thursdays via zoom. They provide valuable insights into cutting-edge research and developments in the fields of language generation and artificial intelligence.

Program Schedule:

August 29

Christian Ulrik Andersen, Aarhus University, School of Communication and Culture

September 26

Carsten Bergenholz, Aarhus University, Department of Management.

A customized RAG chatbot for students

Students are using various LLMs for educational purposes, yet the tendency of LLMs to hallucinate and make errors, can be worrisome for a teacher. However, RAGs can enhance the quality of chatbot outputs, by constraining how the answers are constructed. In this talk I present how a) we relied on Microsoft Azure to build a customized RAG chatbot for 550 Philosophy of Science students in the Spring 2024, b) we document the quality of the answers provided by the chatbot, and how c) students perceived and used the customized chatbot. Establishing how to optimize such offerings and what the boundary conditions are at the centre of our current attention, while we currently build similar large-scale RAGs for Organizational Behavior and Math courses. 

Presenter: Carsten Bergenholtz (in collaboration with Oana Vuculescu and Niels Lauritzen).

October 24

Helene Friis Ratner, Aarhus University, Danish Schoold of Education

November 11 Søren Pold, Aarhus University, School of Communication and Culture
TBA Bolette Sandford Pedersen, Copenhagen University, Institute for Nordic Studies and Language


We invite you to mark your calendars and join us for these sessions. 

For more information and updates on our biweekly talks, please check our website or follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter.

For media inquiries and questions, please contact: pascale.moreira@cc.au.dk