Aarhus University Seal

CLAI in the news

Last week, Omnibus brought an interview with director Mads Rosendahl Thomsen and co-director Rebekah Baglini, discussing the opening and future of the Center for Language Generation and AI

In this interview, Mads Rosendahl Thomsen and Rebekah Baglini talk about the reasons behind opening The Center for Language Generation and AI, and underline the importance of the center acting as a hub and support structure for forstering research in the technology and implications of AI and Large Language Models.

"To us, who have worked with language in various ways, it is clear that this is something very powerful and of general interest. That's why it's important that the university takes it up. There is a lot of technological development behind these 'Large Language Models', of which most has been done in the U.S. But we also have researchers here at AU who work with the models and on developing them. Moreover, it is important that we, among other things, also take the pedagogical experiences with us: what the technology means to research and teaching in areas like linguistics, philosophy, literature and creativity." says Mads Rosendahl Thomsen.

Rebekah Baglingi also states the importance of supporting and fostering development of technologies in Denmark, like developing a Danish Large Language Model: "We need to have alternatives to the models that come from the U.S., if they continue to disappoint with regard to meeting the EU standards for privacy and security."

Read the article here: https://omnibus.au.dk/arkiv/vis/artikel/nyt-ai-center-paa-au-skal-undersoege-og-udvikle-sprogmodeller [Danish only]