12. december 2023
Plant meeting in the Research program for Environmental media and Aesthetics: https://cc.au.dk/en/research/research-programmes/environmental-media-and-aesthetics
5. december 2023
Anette Vandsø is invited spaker at Gry Hedins and SMKS seminar ”At åbne landskabet”, where she will give the talk” Museet som forum for Plantebekymringer: at lade samlingerne samle os på nye måder”: https://www.smk.dk/event/seminar-at-aabne-landskabet/
29. oktober 2023
Anette Vandsø gives the talk ”Climate changed publics” at the seminar “Publics”, Aesthetic and Culture’s annual seminar.
August 2023
Veluxfonden’s Museum program supports Hidden Plant Stories: https://veluxfoundations.dk/da/om-os/det-har-vi-stoettet#/0066700000xKxRDAA0