On this web page you will find the presentations from the WARCnet Luxembourg meeting 4-6 November 2020. The presentations are organised according to the meeting sessions. Presentations are either a video or a slideshow with voice-over. Please note that when you view the slideshows online they do not have the voice-over, you will have to download the slideshow to view it with sound.
Janne Nielsen, Working Group 1: Comparing entire web domains
Valérie Schafer, Working Group 2: Analysing transnational Events
Keynote speaker Simone Natale: What is life to digital objects?
Anne Helmond, Working Group 1: Visualising national webs
Ditte Laursen, Working Group 4: Developing a legal agreement for research-access to a web archive: a Danish story
Eld Zierau, Working Group 4: (Trans)national access to Web-Archives: Challenges and Solutions: Towards a WARCnet Paper,
Sophie Gebeil and Federico Nanni, Working Group 2: Comparing online transnational events: a methodological challenge
Katharina Schmid, Working Group 3: Link mining from web archives
Keynote speaker Marta Severo: Cultural Heritage, Born-Digital Heritage and Participation.
Thomas Cauvin, C2DH, University of Luxembourg: Public history challenges