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Skills, Tools, and Knowledge Ecologies in Web Archive Research

WARCnets first Special Report is now online and accessible.

This Special Report is written by Sharon Healy, Helena Byrne, Katharina Schmid, Nicola Bingham, Olga Holownia, Michael Kurzmeier, Robert Jansma with the title: Skills, Tools, and Knowledge Ecologies in Web Archive Research. This Special Report identifies and documents the skills, tools, and knowledge required to achieve a broad range of goals within the web archiving lifecycle and to explore the challenges for participation in web archive research.  

The WARCnet Papers and Special Reports series is edited by Niels Brügger, Jane Winters, Valérie Schafer, Kees Teszelszky, Peter Webster and Michael Kurzmeier.

Click here to read the new issue.