Aarhus University Seal

Louis Hjelmslev's bibliography

Bibliography of Louis Hjelmslev's works 1916-1981


This bibliography includes the same titles as in the bibliography of Essais linguistiques, and several more. On the other hand, this bibliography does not enclose non-authorised translations, but only those which present a Danish work in a main language. All other translations are considered to be of little interest for an audience who is familiar with the main languages  


LH: Louis Hjelmslev.

BCLC: Bulletin du Cercle Linguistique de Copenhague.

KDVS: The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters. (Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab)

TCLC: Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Copenhague.


1916. Sammensatte ord i dansk. Hellerup Gymnasiums Prisopgave, Skoleaaret 1915-1916. 97 handwritten pages. The positive assessment of this award-winning paper encourages Hjelmslev to study linguistics (1932b: p. 149). A photocopy of this paper can be found at the Library of Linguistics at the University of Copenhagen.


1922. Indtryk fra Litauen. In: Ydre linjer. II: Indre liv. Gads danske Magasin, 16: pp. 409-16 and 456-64.


1923. Otto Jespersens værk om sproget. Tilskueren, 40(2): pp. 48-58.


ms 1924. Brev til Svend Ranulf, 26/8-1924. SB 921.619.


1925a. [Op-ed]. Studentermødet i Nyborg. Ekstra-Bladet, 18/8-1923.


1925b. [Op-ed]. Aandsarbejdernes Internationale. Ekstra-Bladet, 19/10-1925.


1926a. [On Acta Philologica Scandinavica]. Création de nouvelles revues scientifiques. Bulletin des relations scientifiques, 1(1): pp. 39-40.


1926b. Linguistique comparée et générale. Les efforts pour un système international de transcription phonétique et de transliteration. Ibid, 1(1): s. 48-49.

·       1926a and 1926b were published anonymously in the bulletin issued by Société des Nations. Hjelmslev wrote to H. Pedersen on 28/6-1926: ”Jeg har fundet lejlighed til deri [in Bulletin des relations scientifiques] at skrive et par artikler om fonetikerkongressen i København ifjor foraar [1926b] og om Acta Philologica Scandinavica [1926a]”.


1928a/PGG. Principes de grammaire générale. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Historisk-filologiske Meddelelser, 16(1). København: Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri. p. 363. Reprinted 1968 (København: Munksgaard). The book was released in 1929 when it was done from the press on 27/4-1929. See also 1929.

·       Reviews: Kluyver 1930; Meillet 1930; Sommerfelt 1930; Blake 1931; Gray 1931; Dempe 1932; Drǎganu 1933.


1928b. Intellektuelt samarbejde. Dets organisation og dets betydning. Indtryk fra instituttet i Paris. Quod Felix, 3(9): pp. 83-84 and 3(10): pp. 93-95.


1928c. [Op-ed]. Verdens første Sprogforskerkongres. Nationaltidende, 12/5-1928.


1928d. Det litauiske Folk og dets Sprog. Gry, 2(37): pp. 189-96. Published as a book in 1930: Det litauiske Folk og dets Sprog. København: Henrik Koppels Forlag. 14 p.


1928e. Vor Sprogæts Forhistorie. Gry, 2(46): pp. 361-68.


1929. [Resumé in German by PGG]. Acta Philologica Scandinavica, Bibliographie der nordischen Philologie, 4: pp. 291-92.


1931. [Critique of an op-ed]. Lucien Lévy-Bruhl. Politiken, 28/4-1931.


1932a. [Dissertation]. Études baltiques. København: Levin & Munksgaards, pp. xi-272.

·       Reviews: Wood 1932; Meillet 1932a og 1932b; Vaillant 1932; Wijk 1932; Fraenkel 1933a, 1933b and 1935.


1932b. [Autobiography in Danish]. Festskrift udgivet af Københavns Universitet i Anledning af Universitetets Aarsfest, pp. 149-50.


1932-1935. Rasmus Rask. Udvalgte Afhandlinger udgivet paa Bekostning af Rask-Ørsted Fondet i Hundredeaaret for Rasks Død paa Foranledning af Vilhelm Thomsen af Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab ved Louis Hjelmslev med Indledning af Holger Pedersen. København: Levin & Munksgaard. Vol. 1 (1932), pp. 1v-396; Vol. 2 (1933), pp.  384; Vol. 3 (1935), pp. 422. The final volume includes textual criticism and Hjelmslev's notes. Note in Acta Philologica Scandinavica, Bibliographie der nordischen Philologie, 1933-1934, 8: p. 298.

·       Translation: Rasmus Rask: Ausgewählte Abhandlungen, pp. 1-3. København: Levin & Munksgaard, 1932-1937.


1933a. Structure générale des corrélations linguistiques. Written in 1933, was set to be published in BCLC (1933a: p. 57) and in TCLC (OSG 89n), and was published posthumously in 1973: pp. 57-98.


1933b. Grundlaget for dansk grammatik. I anledning af to nyere arbejder. Selskab for nordisk Filologi. Aarsberetning for 1933: [pp. 2-3].


1933c. On Rasmus Rask and Sweden 1812-1818 in his letters to A.A. Afzelius. Nordisk tidskrift för vetenskap, konst och industri, 9: pp. 445-56.


ms 1933. Bidrag til læren om de grammatiske systemers almindelige bygning. LK 27/4-1933.


1934a. Sprogsystem og Sprogforandring. TCLC, 1972, 15. København: Nordisk Sprog- og Kulturforlag. 159 s. Hjelmslev's lectures at Aarhus University in autumn 1934. Hjelmslev announced in 1937, a work with this title was in preparation (1937e: 31).

·       Review: Mey 1975.

·       Translation: Sistema lingüístico y cambio lingüístico. Madrid: Gredos 1976 (Biblioteca románica hispánica. II. Estudios y ensayos, 249). Translated by Berta Pallares de R. Arias.


1934b. Engelsk sprogforsker paa Universitetet. [Alan S.C. Ross]. Aarhus Stiftstidende, 23/9-1934.


1935a. La catégorie des cas. Étude de grammaire générale, 1. Acta Jutlandica, 7(1). Aarhus: Universitetsforlaget, pp. xii-184. See 1937d.

·       Reprint of 1935a and 1937d as La catégorie des cas, München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, with same pagination as the original.

·       Reviews: Jespersen 1935; Cohen 1936; Hermann 1937; Meriggi 1937; Trager 1941.


1935b. [German review]. Otto Jespersen: Tanker og studier, 1932. Indogermanische Forschungen, 53: pp. 135-36.


1935c. [Interventioner på dansk]. BCLC, 1934, 1: p. 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9-10 and 15-16.


1935d. [French résumé]. Den sprogvidenskabelige tydning af Setre-kammens ’mauna’. Aarbøger for nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie: pp. 275-80 and xliv.


1935e. [Resumé in English in 1935d]. Acta Philologica Scandinavica, Bibliography of Scandinavian Philology, 1936-37, 11: p. 270.


1935f. Synspunkter for dansk fonetik. Selskab for Nordisk Filologi. Aarsberetning for 1935, pp. 6-8.


1936a. An Outline of Glossematics [with:] H.J. Uldall. (Humanistisk Samfund. Skrifter, 1). Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaard. Aarhus: Universitetsforlaget. p. 9.


1936b. Sprog og tanke. Sprog og Kultur, 5(1), pp. 24-33.


1936c. [Resumé in English by 1936b]. Acta Philologica Scandinavica, Bibliography of Scandinavian Philology, 1936-37, 11: p. 264.


1936d. Essai d’une théorie des morphèmes. Quatrième congrès international de linguistes. Copenhague 1936. Résumés des communications. København: Vald. Pedersens Bogtrykkeri, pp. 39-42.


1936e. On the Principles of Phonematics. Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Phonetic Sciences [London, 22.-26. July 1935]. Cambridge: U.P., 49-54. Also in 1973: pp. 157-62.


1936f. Etudes de linguistique structural organisées au sein du Cercle linguistique de Copenhague [with:] H.J. Uldall. BCLC, 1935, 2: pp. 13-15.


1936g. Det humanistiske Fakultet. Den jydske Akademiker, 8(8): [pp. 2-3].


1937a. Quelques réflexions sur le système phonique de l’indo-européen. Mélanges linguistiques offerts à M. Holger Pedersen. Acta Jutlandica, 9(1): pp. 34-44. Also in 1973: p. 163-72.


1937b. La nature du pronom. Mélanges de linguistique et de philologie offerts à Jacques van Ginneken. Paris: Klincksieck, pp. 51-58. Also in 1959: pp. 192-98.


1937c. La catégorie des cas. Étude de grammaire générale, 2. Acta Jutlandica, 9(2), pp. viii-78. See 1935a.


1937d. Accent, intonation, quantité. Studi baltici, 6: p. 1-57. Also in 1973: p. 181-222.


1937e. Indledning til Sprogvidenskaben. : Introduction to linguistics. Inaugural lecture on the occasion of LH’s accession to the Professorship of Comparative Linguistics at University of Copenhagen on 14th of September 1937. København: Levin & Munksgaard. p. 30. Translated in 1959: pp. 89-95.


1937f. La syllabation en slave. Mélanges linguistiques et philologiques offerts à M. Aleksandar Belic. Beograd: Mlada Srbija, pp. 315-24. Also in 1973: pp. 173-80.


ms 1937. Forme et substance linguistiques. Conférence faite au Cercle Linguistique de Prague, le 25 octobre 1937.


1938a. Essai d’une théori des morphèmes. Actes du quatrième congrès international des linguistes [Copenhagen 27/8 – 1/9-1936]. København: Munksgaard [Kraus Reprint 1972], pp. 140-51. Also in 1959: pp. 159-64.


1938b. Über die Beziehungen der Phonetik zur Sprachwissenschaft. Archiv für vergleichende Phonetik, 2: pp. 129-34 and pp. 211-22. Also in 1973: pp. 223-46.


1938c. Neue Wege der Experimentalphonetik. Nordisk tidsskrift for tale og stemme, 2: pp. 153-94.


1938d. Etudes sur la notion de parenté linguistique. Première étude: relations de parenté des langues creoles. Revue des études indo-européennes, 2: pp. 271-86.


1938e. La structure des oppositions dans la langue. Onzième congrès international de psychologie. Paris, 25-31 juillet 1937. Rapports et comptes rendus. Paris: Alcan, pp. 241-42.


1938f. [Op-ed] Ny fransk-dansk Ordbog. [Reviewed by A. Blinkenberg and M. Thiel: Dansk-fransk ordbog, 1937]. Politiken, 10/3-1938.


1938g. [On Georg Gerullis]. Balterne og de nordiske Folkeslag. Politiken, 15/2-1938.


1938h. [On J. Kuryłowicz]. Polsk Forsker om Nordisk Accent. Politiken, 19/10-1938.


1938i. [Intervention]. Actes… (jf. 1938a), p. 139 and p. 165.


1938j. Rasmus Rask, jeho zivot a dílo. (Přednáška proslovená v Ústavu skandinávském a nizozemském v Praze 22. října 1937). [Rasmus Rask, his life and work. Lecture held at holdt på Department of Scandinavian and Dutch Studies in Prague 22nd October 1937]. Slovo a slovesnost, 4: pp. 65-67.


1938k. Jazyková forma a substance. (Přednáška proslovená v Pražském Linguistickém Kroužku 25.  října 1937). [Sprogets form og substans. Lecture held in Lingvistkredsen in Prague 25th October 1937]. Slovo a slovesnost, 4: p. 128.


1938l. [Résumé in English of 1938c]. Acta Philologica Scandinavica, Bibliography of Scandinavian Philology, 1938-39, 13: pp. 303-304.


ms 1938. Generalisationsprincippet i lingvistikken. [Letter to Svend Ranulf, 12/6-1938]. SB 921.590.


1939a. The Syllable as a Structural Unit. Proceedings of the Third International Congress of Phonetic Sciences [Ghent, 18.-22. July 1938]. Ghent, pp. 266-72. Also in 1973: pp. 239-45.


1939b. [Obituary in German]. N.S. Trubetzkoy. Archiv für die gesamte Phonetik. Abt. In: Archiv für vergleichende Phonetik, 3(1): pp. 55-60.


1939c. Ny experimentalfonetik. Nordisk tidsskrift for tale og stemme, 3: pp. 74-94.


1939d. Forme et substance linguistiques. BCLC, 1937-38, 4: s. 3-4. Also in 1973: pp. 99-100.


1939e. La structure morphologique (types de système). Cinquième congrès international des linguistes. Rapports. Bruges: Imprimerie Sainte Catherine [Kraus Reprint 1973], pp. 66-93. Resumed with unimportant changes in 1959: pp. 113-38.


1939f. Le caractère “linéaire” du significant. Cinquième congrès international des linguistes. Résumés des communications. Bruges: Imprimerie Sainte Catherine [Kraus Reprint 1973], pp. 25-26.


1939g. Note sur les oppositions supprimables. Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Prague, 8: pp. 51-57. Jf. 1946e: p. 8. Also in 1959: pp. 82-88.


1939h. [Editorial in French with Viggo Brøndal]. Acta Linguistica, 1(1): pp. 1-2.


1939i. La notion de rection. Acta Linguistica, 1(1): pp. 10-23. Also in 1959: pp. 139-51.

·       Review: Pichon 1937-39.


1939j. [Obituary in English]. Edward Sapir. Acta Linguistica, 1(1): pp. 76-77.


1939k. [Notes in French]. (1) S.C. Boyanus og N.B. Jopson: Spoken Russian, 1939; (2) W. Doroszewski: [Sprogslægtskab ud fra dialektfund], 1938; (3) A. Martinet: La phonologie, M. Grammont: La néophonologie, A. Martinet: La phonologie synchronique et diachronique, 1938-39; (4) Questionnaire phonologique pour servir à l’étude des parlers de France, 1939; (5) C. Racovità: L’article en russe, 1938. Acta Linguistica, 1(2): pp. 142-44.


1939l. [Obituary in Danish]. Kurt Wulff: 4/9-1881 – 4/5-1939. Festskrift udgivet af Københavns Universitet, pp. 115-21.


1939m. [Intervention in German]. Proceedings … (cf. 1939a), p. 66.


1939n. [French analysis by] C.C. Uhlenbeck: Oer-Indogermaansch en Oer-Indogermanen, 1935. BCLC, 1937-38, 4: pp. 7-9.


1939o. [Interventions in French and German]. BCLC, 1937-38, 4: pp. 2-3, 6, 11 and 15-16.


1939p. [Intervention in English]. Caractères grammaticaux des langues créoles. Congrès international des sciences anthropologiques et ethnologiques. Compte rendu de la deuxième session [Copenhagen, 1938]. København: Munksgaard, p. 373 and 374.


1940a. [Greeting]. Hilsen til Otto Jespersen paa firs-Aarsdagen 16 juli 1940. København: Munksgaard, p. 59.


1940b. [Notes in French]. (1) P. Chantraine: Remarques sur les rapports entre les modes et les aspects en greo, 1939; (2) Conférences de l’Institut de linguistique de l’Université de Paris, 1937; (3) H.L. Koppelmann: Sprachmischung und Urverwandtschaft, 1939; (4) A. Mirambel: Remarques de syntaxe néo-grecque, 1939; (5) R. Pipping: Språk och stil, 1938; (6) A. Sommerfelt: Les formes de la pensée et l’évolution des catégories de la grammaire, 1938; (7) J. Vendryes: La position linguistique du celtique, 1937; (8) E. Zwirner: Langue et langage en phonométrie, 1938. Acta Linguistica, 1(3): pp. 206-208.


1940c. [Interventions]. BCLC, 1938-39, 5: pp. 3, 5, 7, 8 og 14.


1940d. Phonétique expérimentale, Ibid.: pp. 10-11.


1940e. [Obituary in French with bibliography]. Kurt Wulff. Ibid.: pp. 23-28.


1940f. [Notes]. Esperanto. [On P. Neergaard: Esperanto for Begyndere, 1939]. Berlingske Aftenavis, 10/9-1940.


1941a. De grammatiske kategorier. Translatøren, 3(1): pp. 8-16.


1941b. Et par sprogteoretiske betragtninger. Årbog for nordisk målstræv, 4: pp. 81-88.


1941c. A Causerie on Linguistic Theory. [Presentation held in Lingvistkredsen on the occasion of the circle's ten year anniversary, translated from the Danish original (ms 1941b) by Carol Hendriksen, posthumously in 1973: pp. 101-17].


1941d. [Reviews]. (1) A.W. de Groot: Taalkunde: Zur Grundlegung der Morphologie und der Syntax, 1938, Wort und Wortstruktur, De structuur van het Nederlands, 1939; (2) W. Keller: Der Sinnbegriff als Kategorie der Geisteswissenschaften, 1937 [in German]; (3) L. Novák: [Det grammatiske systems grundelement og lingvistisk typologi], 1936; (4) L. Novák: [Om fundamentale problemer i den strukturelle lingvistik], 1937; (5) E. Sapir: Glottalized consonants in Navaho, Nootka, and Kwakiutl, 1938. Acta Linguistica, 1940-41, 2(1): pp. 61-66.


1941e. [Notes]. (1) L. Novák: Quelques remarques sur le système phonologique du hongrois, 1936-37; (2) E.A. Speiser: The pitfalls of Polarity, 1938; (3) C.C. Uhlenbeck: Grammatische invloed van het Algonkisch op het Wiyot en het Yurok, 1939; (4) B.L. Whorf: Some verbal categories in Hopi, 1938. Acta Linguistica, 1940-41, 2(1): pp. 67-68.


1941f. [Obituary in French]. N. van Wijk. Acta Linguistica, 1940-41, 2(2): pp. 108-110.


1941g. [Review in French]. Mélanges de linguistique offerts à Charles Bally, 1939. Ibid.: pp. 111-16.


1941h. [Review in English]. P. Christophersen: The Articles, 1939. Ibid.: pp. 116-17.


1941i. [Review in French by]. L.H. Gray: Foundations of Language, 1939. Ibid.: pp. 122-26.


1941j. [Notes]. (1) BCLC, 1939-41; (2) P. Ariste: Hiiu murrete häälikud, 1939; (3) C. Battisti: Fonetica generale, 1938; (4) N. Bøgholm: English Speech from an Historical Point of View, 1939; (5) A. Brahde: Engelske Verber og Adverbier, 1938; (6) J. Jørgensen: Imperatives and Logic, Reflexions on Logic and Language, 1939, Empiricism and Unity of Science, 1940; (7) I. Lekov: [Sketch of the Bulgarian phonetic and phonological system], 1939; (7) I. Lekov: [On Bulgarian, Polish and Czech phonology], 1939; (8) I.C. Ward: The Phonetics of English, 1939. Ibid.: pp. 130-35.


1941k. [Interventions]. BCLC, 1939-40, 6: p. 6, 12.


1941l. Connectif et ”voyelle thématique” en hongrois. Ibid.: pp. 12-13.


1941m. [Critique of article with same title]. Akustisk sprogæstetik. Nordisk tidsskrift for tale og stemme, 5(5): pp. 105-07.


1941n. Breve fra og til Rasmus Rask udgivet med støtte af Rask-Ørsted Fondet ved Louis Hjelmslev, 1-2. København: Munksgaard, xiii-457 s., ix-402 s. Udgiverens forord, bd. 1: vii-ix. Kritisk apparat, bd. 2: s. 275-402 (Brevregistrant, s. 275-402; Oversigt over brevenes forekomststeder og udgivelsessteder, pp. 393-402).

·       Review: P.J. Jensen 1942-44.


ms 1941a. Sprogteori. Résumé. Formulering.


ms 1941b. Et sprogteoretisk causeri. English translation in 1973 (1941c).


1942a. Sprogslægtskab. Resumé af foredrag i Translatørforeningen 17/10-1941. Translatøren, 4(1): s. 11-16 og 4(2): pp. 30-32.


1942b. Vilhelm Thomsen. Foredrag paa Københavns Universitet 26. januar 1942. Gads danske magasin, 36: pp. 136-47. Translation in 1973: pp. 17-27.


1942c. [Op-ed]. Vilhelm Thomsen. Aarhus Stiftstidende, 25/1-1942.


1942d. Vilhelm Thomsen. Berlingske Tidende, 25/1-1942.


1942e. [Op-ed]. Johannes V. Jensens nye Bog. [On Johannes V. Jensen: Om Sproget og Undervisningen, 1942]. Politiken, 4/4-1942.


1942f. Den nysproglige Almendannelse. Gymnasieskolen, 25: pp. 352-55.


1942g. [Review]. Lær mig at læse. [On K. Schmidt-Phiseldeck: Lær mig at læse, 1942]. Politiken, 26/3-1942 og 5/4-1942.


ms 1942. Sprogteori. Praktisk del.


ms” 1942-43. Sprogteori. [’Toppen og Bolden’]. Forelæsninger febr. 1942 – dec. 1943. Printed after stenography by Harry Wett Frederiksen (HWF).


1943a/OSG. Omkring sprogteoriens grundlæggelse. Festskrift udgivet af Københavns Universitet, s. 1-113. Samtidig udgivet særskilt, København: Munksgaard. Reprinted 1966 and 1976 (Kbh.: Akademisk forlag). Translations authorised by Hjelmslev are 1953a and 1961a.

·       Reviews (also of the non-authorised translations): Fischer-Jørgensen 1943 and 1944a; Vogt 1944; Trager 1946 [notits]; Martinet 1942-45 [notits] og 1946; P. Andersen 1943-45; Bazell 1949a; Preusler 1952; Dubois 1969; Vicenzi 1969; Zwanenburg 1970; Castagnotto 1971; Kotschi 1977.


1943b. Langue et parole. Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure, 2: pp. 29-44. Also in 1959: pp. 69-81.


1943c. Sproget. Danmark og Verdenskulturen. En samling radioforedrag (ed.: Kaj Birket-Smith). København: Erichsen, pp. 71-85.


1943d. Sprogvidenskab. Danmarks Kultur ved Aar 1940, Den videnskabelige Kultur (ed.: Svend Dahl). København: Det danske Forlag, bd. 7: pp. 174-87.


1943e. Søren Peter Cortsen. Salmonsens Leksikon-Tidsskrift, 3: col. 582-83.


1943f. Sigmund Feist. Ibid.: col. 592-93.


1943g. Eduard Schwyzer. Ibid.: col. 610-11.


1943h. Karl Verner. [Revised biography, first version is by Vilh. Thomsen]. Dansk Biografisk Leksikon, 25: pp. 350-52.


1943i. Dr. Sigmund Feist in memoriam. Politiken, 30/3-1943.


1943j. Dansk Sprog og Kultur som Eksportvare. Nationaltidende, 10/1-1943.


Ms 1943a. Objektsprog, metasprog og ikkesprog. (Af en sprogforskers filosofiske bekendelse). Lecture in Selskabet for filosofi og psykologi 11/5-1943.


ms 1943b. Forelæsning over sprogteori I.


ms 1943c. Forelæsning over sprogteori II.


ms 1943d/SR. Sprogteori. Résumé. [189 s.]. English translation by Francis. J. Whitfield (1975a).


ms” 1943. [Observations]. BCLC, 1941-65, 8-31: pp. 226-27.


1944a. Sprogbygning og sprogbrug. Selskab for nordisk filologi. Aarsberetning for 1943, pp. 6-8.


1944b. Nogle mejeriord i sprogvidenskabelig Belysning. Nordisk Mejeri-Tidsskrift, 10: pp. 185-89 og pp. 201-02.


1944c. Moderne Sprogtænkning. Videnskaben i dag (eds.: F. Brandt og K. Linderstrøm-Lang). København: Schultz, pp. 419-43.


1944d. [Obituary in French]. Otto Jespersen. Acta Linguistica, 1942-43, 3: pp. 119-30. Also in 1973: pp. 41-54.


1944e. Forord. H.C. Andersen: Kejserens nye Klæder paa femogtyve sprog. Les habits neufs de l’empereur en vingt-cinq langues. (Ed.: LH and Axel Sandal). København: C.A. Reitzels forlag, pp. 11-16 and 17-23 [translated to French]. p. 183.

·       Review: Hildebrandt 1944.


1944f. Kurt Wulff. Dansk biografisk Leksikon, 26: pp. 352-55.


1944g. Andreas Blinkenberg. Dansk biografisk Leksikon, 27: p. 84-85.


1944h. Søren Peter Cortsen. Ibid.: p. 158.


1944i. Kaare Grønbech. Ibid.: pp. 233-34.


1944j. [Op-ed]. Zarathustra og Danmark. [Review of Codices Avestici et Pahlavici Bibliothecae Universitatis Hafniensis, 12 vol., 1931-1944]. Politiken, 5/8-1944.


1944k. [Rasmus Rask's journey to Iceland]. N.E. Weis: Hvor minderne taler, Peter Schannongs Værk. København: Munksgaard: pp. 116-19.


1944l. [Vilh. Thomsen]. Ibid.: pp. 160-62.


ms 1944. Forelæsning over almen sprogvidenskab. (”Indledning til sprogvidenskaben”).


1945a. Internationale ord. Translatøren, 7: pp. 50-54.


1945b. Kaj Barr. Salmonsens Leksikon-Tidsskrift, 5: col. 257.


1945c. Louis Gauchat. Ibid.: col. 265-66.


1945d. Jens Holt. Ibid.: col. 266-67.


1945e. Vilh. Thomsen. Danmark, 5: pp. 241-44.


ms” 1945-47. [LH’s and H.J. Uldall's correspondance in 1945-47 followed by ’Glossematiske spørgetimer’].


1946a. Estland, Letland og Litauen. Frit Danmark, 5(19): pp. 7 og pp. 10-11.


1946b. Giulio Bertoni. Salmonsens Leksikon-Tidsskrift, 6: col. 712-23.


1946c. Renward Brandstetter. Ibid.: col. 714.


1946d. Norbert Jokl. Ibid.: col. 769.


1946e. [Interventions in French and English]. BCLC, 1940-41, 7: pp. 3, 4, 5, 8, 9-10, 11, 15-16 and 17.


1946f. [Les degrés de comparaison]. Ibid.: p. 14.


1946g. [Op-ed]. Videnskabsmand og Bohême. [On K. Verner]. Aarhus Stiftstidende, 7/3-1946.


1946h. Fremragende norsk Gæst paa Universitetet. [On A. Sommerfelt]. Politiken, 12/11-1946.


ms 1946. Semantikkens grundproblem.


1947a. The basic Structure of Language. [Lectures at University of London in 1947 and University of Edinburgh in 1950]. Posthumously in 1973: pp. 119-53. Published as French translation in Prolégomènes à une théorie du langage, Paris: Minuit 1968 and 1968-71.


1947b. [Interventions in Danish]. Nordistmødet i København, January 1946. Acta Philologica Scandinavica, 19: pp. 83-85 and p. 88.


1947c. La dissimilation d’aspiration. Revue des études indo-européennes, 4: p. 69-76.


1947d. Problémy sémantiky. [Semantikkens problemer]. [Lecture in Lingvistkredsen in Bratislava on 30/5-1947]. Slovo a tvar, 1: pp. 63-64.


1947e. Forord. Knut Hagberg: Sædernes bog. Danish version by LH. København: Reitzel, 7. p. 568. Hagberg's Swedish book is an antology of literary texts. LH edited the Danish translations and re-translated them himself with regards to the originals. He replaced a Swedish text with a text by historian Troels-Lund, and he wrote a short introduction to this aswell, p. 353.


1947f. Les méthodes structurales et leur application éventuelle sur les sciences historiques. [Resumé af et foredrag i Dansk selskab for oldtids- og middelalderforskning den 13/4-1945]. Classica et Mediaevalia, 9: p. 272.


ms” 1947a. [Contribution to the debate on Holt 1946, LK 1/5-1947]. HWF.


ms” 1947b. [Contribution to the debate, which followed Paul Diderichsen's presentation ’Klasse, Relation, Helhedstype’, LK 20/11-1947]. HWF.


1948a. Structural Analysis of Language. Studia Linguistica, 1: pp. 69-78. Also in 1959: pp. 27-35. Russian translation Acta Linguistica, 1950-51, 6: pp. 57-67.


1948b. Le verbe et la phrase nominale. Mélanges de philologie, de littérature et d’histoire anciennes offerts à J. Marouzeau. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, s. 253-81. Also in 1959: pp. 165-91.


1948c. [Leading article in French]. Acta Linguistica, 1944, 4: pp. v-xi. Shortened version ’Linguistique structurale’ i 1959: pp. 21-26.


1948d. [Obituary in French]. Kr. Sandfeld. Acta Linguistica, 1944, 4: pp. 136-39.


1948e. [Review in French]. B. Collinder: Introduktion i språkvetenskapen, 1941. Ibid.: pp. 140-41.


1948f. [Review in French]. G. Gougenheim: Système grammatical de la langue française, 1938. Ibid.: pp. 141-43.


1948g. La comparaison en linguistique structurale. [On J. Vendryes: La comparaison en linguistique, 1946]. Ibid.: pp. 144-47.


1948h. Linguistics. The Humanities and the Sciences in Denmark during the Second World War. København: Munksgaard, pp. 112-14. [cf. a note i Acta Linguistica, 1944, 4(1): p. 50].


ms 1948. Examination of several recent works on the relation between language, thought and reality (lectures and eventual colloquia 48I).


ms” 1948a. Udtrykssystemet i moderne fransk. [1 A4-page, stencilled, Sendt to the members of the Linguistic Circle before the meeting on the French phonemic pattern Dec. 1948 or Febr. 1949. Cf. R. Jakobson: S.W. 1: 426n].


ms” 1948b. Le système d’expression du français moderne (résumé). BCLC, 1941-65, 8-31: pp. 217-22, 223 og 224.


1949a. Rapport sur la question I [Existe-t-il des catégories qui soient communes à l’universalité des langues humaines?]. Actes du sixième congrès international des linguistes [19-24 August 1948, Paris]. Paris: Klincksieck [Kraus Reprint 1975], pp. 419-31.


1949b. [Interventions in French]. Ibid.: pp. 234-35, 315-16 and 474-78 [Morphologie et syntaxe], 450 [Conclusion du débat].


1949c. Rasmus Rask 1787-1832. Store danske personligheder. Fra Tycho Brahe til Niels Bohr (red.: Aage Bertelsen). København: Berlingske, 2: pp. 174-85.


1949d. Foreløbige undersøgelser over en sammenlignende sprogtypologi. [Resumé of a message in KDVS 11/3-1949]. KDVS, 1948-1949, pp. 45-46.


1949e. Alfabetets gåder. [The author portrayed as J. Hjelmslev]. Arkitekten, 51: 116, 135.


ms” 1949. Sentence analysis and syntax. BCLC, 1941-65, 8-31: pp. 129-33.


1950a. Rôle structural de l’ordre des mots. Journal de psychologie normale et pathologique, 43: pp. 54-58.


1950b. Semantikkens grundproblem. [Resumé of a message in KDVS 28/4-1950]. KDVS, 1949-50, p. 50. Translated in J.D. Johansen 1985: p. 582.


1950c. Sixième congrès international des linguistes. Paris 1948. Acta Linguistica, 1945-49, 5: pp. 56-60.


1950d. Réponse à MM. Borgström et Frei. [On 1948c]. Ibid.: p. 62-63.


1950e. Det indo-europæiske grundsprog. Translatøren, 12: p. 18-24.


1950f. Langues de différents degrés. [Resumé in Czech of lecture held in Lingvistkredsen in Prague 19/5-1947]. Slovo a slovesnost, 12: p. 53.


ms 1950. Summary of meetings in the glossematic committee, Autumn semester 1950. Translated in to English as 1970g.


1951a. Grundtræk af det danske udtrykssystem med særligt henblik på stødet. [Lecture in Selskab for nordisk filologi 23/11 and 30/11-1948]. Selskab for nordisk filologi. Aarsberetning 1948-49-50, pp. 12-24. English translation in 1973: pp. 247-66.


1951b. Rapport sur l’activité du Cercle Linguistique de Copenhague 1931-1951. København: Nordisk Sprog- og Kulturforlag. 67 pgs. Anonym.


1951c. Commentaires sur la vie et l’œuvre de Rasmus Rask. Conférences de l’institut de linguistique de l’Université de Paris, 1950-51, 10: pp. 143-57. Also in 1973: pp. 3-16, and in Thomas A. Sebeok ed.): Portraits of Linguists. Bloomington 1966.


ms 1951. Propositions à la Conférence européenne de sémantique [Nice 26-31 mars 1951]. Resumé in Devoto 1951. See also B.S.L., 47(1): p. xxiii.


ms” 1951. [Diskussionsindlæg på Den europæiske Semantikkonference, Nice 1951]. Actes de la Conférence européenne de sémantique (Nice, 26-31 mars 1951) organisée par M.E. Benveniste (Paris) avec la participation de MM. C.E. Bazell (Istambul), G. Devoto (Florence), J.R. Firth (Londres), H. Frei (Genève), L. Hjelmslev (Charlottenlund), J. Lotz (Colombia U. New York), A. Sommerfelt (Oslo), S. Ullmann (Glasgow). [Nice]:  Société de linguistique de Paris.


1952a. [Obituary in French]. Giulio Bertoni. Acta Linguistica, 1950-51, 6: pp. 94-95.


1952b. [Feature article]. Skal vor nordiske arv udleveres? Politiken, 8/12-1952. Hjelmslev spoke og the same topic in Studenterforeningen i the beginning of 1953; he opposed to letting Islandic manuscripts being handed over to the Islandic government (Jan Kobbernagel: Studenterforeningens historie 1890-1980. København: Nyt nordisk forlag 1986, 3: p. 33).


1953a/PTL 1953. Prologomena to a Theory of Language (translation by Francis J. Whitfield). International Journal of American Linguistics. Memoir 7. Indiana University Publications. Baltimore: Waverly Press. 92 pgs. Translations of 1943a/OSG.  Includes a list of definitions and an index. Indicates the pagination of the Danish version.

·       Reviews: Benveniste 1953; Garvin 1954a and 1954b; Haugen 1954.


1953b. Sprogets indholdsform som samfundsfaktor. Speech at the annual party at the University 26th November 1953. Det Danske Magasin, 2: pp. 1-7. Translated in 1959: pp. 89-95.


1953c. Principes de linguistique génétique. [Danish resumé of a message in KDVS 27/2-1953]. KDVS, 1952-53, p. 47.


1954a. La stratification du langage. Word, 10: pp. 163-88. Also in 1959: p. 36-68. In his copy of Word, p. 188, Louis Hjelmslev himself adds ’admises’ instead of ’possibles’ in ”A la différence de l’usage, la norme doir être l’ensemble des relations interstratiques possibles”, cf. the corresponding afsnit in 1959: p. 67.


1954b. Almindelig fonetik. Nordisk lærebog for talepædagoger (ed.: N. Rh. Blegvad). København: Rosenkilde og Bagger, I: pp. 233-307. Også som meget udbredt særtryk: Poul Andersen og LH: Fonetik. Københavns Universitets Fond til tilvejebringelse af læremidler, Rosenkilde og Bagger, 2. ed. 1961, 4. ed. 1967, with original pagination.


1954c. Menneskeracerne og sprogene. Arv, race og kultur (eds.: K. Birket-Smith et al.). København: Reitzel, pp. 83-103. Two pages are translated in P. Christophersen: Pike and Hjelmslev and attitudes to language. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1986, 7: pp. 519-22.


1954d. [Obituary in Danish fra KDVS 12/3-1954]. Holger Pedersen: 7. April 1867 – 25. October 1953. KDVS, 1953-54: pp. 97-115.


1954e. [Obituary in Danish ]. Holger Pedersen: 7. April 1867 – 25. October 1953. Festskrift udgivet af Københavns Universitet, pp. 95-106. Translation in 1973: pp. 29-39.


1954f. [Op-ed]. Nu kom den dansk-engelske ordbog. [Review by H. Vinterberg and C.A. Bodelsen: Dansk-engelsk ordbog I, 1954]. Politiken, 8/10-1954.


1956a. Etudes de phonétique dialectale dans le domaine letto-litaunien. Scando-Slavica, 2: pp. 62-86.


1956b. Om numerus og genus. Festskrift til Christen Møller på 70-årsdagen 11 juni 1956 (eds.: L.L. Hammerich et al.). København: Borgen, pp. 167-90. Resuming the ideas from 1934a. Chr. Møller is amongst listeners at the lectures in 1934.


1956c. Animé et inanimé, personnel et non-personnel. Travaux de l’institut de linguistique, 1: pp. 155-99. Also in 1959: pp. 211-49.


1956d. Sur l’indépendance de l’épithète. Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Historisk-Filologiske Meddelelser, 36(5). 16 pgs. Also in 1959: pp. 199-210. Denne artikel, der er tilegnet Roman Jakobson, skulle være udkommet i For Roman Jakobson, 1956.

·       Reviews: Chao 1957-58; Novák 1958.


1956e. [Interventions in English]. Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Linguists [London, 1-6 September 1952]. London: Titus Wilson & Son, pp. 427-29.


1956f. De opgav ikke. [On H. Vinterberg and C.A. Bodelsen: Dansk-engelsk ordbog II, 1956]. Politiken, 27/11-1956.


1957a. Dans quelle mesure les significations des mots peuvent-elles être considérées comme formant une structure? Reports for the Eighth International Congress of Linguists [Oslo, 5-9 August 1957]. Oslo: Oslo U.P., II: pp. 268-86. Also in Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Linguists. Oslo: Oslo U.P., 1958 [Kraus Reprint 1972], pp. 636-54. Also in 1959: pp. 96-112, titled ’Sémantique structurale’. Dansk oversættelse i Almen semiotik, 1991, 4: pp. 8-25.


1957b. [Resumé in Danish of a Work presented in KDVS 15th February 1957]. Etudes ougriennes: In. Théme et suffixation. II. Le système de l’expression. KDVS, 1956-57, p. 51.


1957c. Preface. LH & H.J. Uldall: Outline of Glossematics. A Study in the Methodology of the Humanities with special Reference to Linguistics. Part I: General Theory by H.J. Uldall. TCLC, 10(1): p. 1. 90 pgs. Apart from the preface, the first part is written only by H.J. Uldall. A second part doesn't exist. På nær forordet er denne første del udelukkende skrevet af H.J. Uldall. En anden del findes ikke. Republished in 1967.

·       Reviews: Galand 1958; D. Cohen 1958; Zgusta 1964a; Larochette 1970; Belchitǎ1971; Ducrot 1973.


1957d. [French speech]. Acta Congressus Madvigiani. Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Classical Studies. Actes du Deuxième Congrès International des Etudes Classiques [Copenhagen 1954]. 1. General Part. København: Munksgaard, pp. 31-33.


1957e. Introduction à la discussion générale des problèmes relatifs à la phonologie des langues mortes, en l’espèce du grec et du latin. Ibid., 1: pp. 101-13. Also in 1973: pp. 267-78.


1957f. Préface [with:] C. Høeg. Ibid., 5. The Classical Pattern of Modern Western Civilisation: Language. TCLC. København: Nordisk Sprog- og Kulturforlag. 11: pp. 3-4.


1958a. [Interventions in French]. Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Linguists. Oslo: Oslo U.P., 1958, pp. 143-44, 196-97, 666-69 and 704.


1958b. Vote to Thanks. Ibid.: pp. 595-97.


1958c. Essai d’une critique de la méthode dite glotto-chronologique. Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Congress of Americanists [København, 8.-14. August 1956]. København: Munksgaard, pp. 658-66.


ms” 1958. [On H.J. Uldall 1957]. BCLC, 1941-65, 8-31: pp. 76-77 and 78.


1959. Essais linguistiques. TCLC, 12. Copenhagen: Nordisk Sprog- og Kulturforlag. 271 pgs. Includes in addition to ’Préface de l’auteur’ and a bibliography, 15 articles, which are following 1937b, 1937e, 1938a, 1939e, 1939f, 1939i, 1943b, 1948a, 1948b, 1948c, 1953b, 1954a, 1956c, 1956d and 1957a. Republished in 1970.

·       Essais Linguistiques (Paris: Minuit, 1971, with François Rastiers preface, reprinted in 1988) includes the same articles (the articles in English are translated to French), however the pagination is not identical.

·       Reviews: Al 1972; Dubois 1973; Hervey 1975.


ms 1960. Address delivered at the University of Copenhagen on the occasion of the award of the Sonning Prize to Bertrand Russell 19 April, 1960.


1961a/PTL 1961. Prolegomena to a Theory of Language (translation by Francis J. Whitfield). Revised English edition. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press. 144 pgs. “This second, revised edition incorporates several minor corrections and changes that have suggested themselves in the course of discussions between the author and the translator” (Preface, signed L.Hj. and F.J.W.). Does not have the same pagination as PTL 1953. Indication of corresponding OSG-pages in the margin. Reprinted in 1963.

·       Reviews: Turner 1961; Potter 1962: Zgusta 1964a; Lamb 1966.


1961b. Some Reflexions on Practice and Theory in Structural Semantics. Language and Society. Essays presented to Arthur M. Jensen on his Seventieth Birthday. København: Det Berlingske Bogtrykkeri, pp. 55-63.


ms” 1961. Glossematics and contemporary linguistic theory. [Lectures at the Department of Germanic Languages, University of Texas, Austin, Febr. 1961. Dupl.].


1963. Sproget. En introduktion. København: Berlingske Leksikon Bibliotek. 136 pgs. Second edition in 1973 with the end chapter ’Sproggrader’, København: Berlingske, 141 pgs. The glossary is not Hjelmslev's. Reprint in 1984 (København: Museum Tusculanum), with same pagination as the edition from 1973.

·       Translations (excerpts): Le langage. Paris: Minuit 1966 (translated by Michel Olsen); Language. Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin Press 1970 (translated by F. J. Whitfield).

·       Reviews (hereof the many translations too): Abrahams 1963; Diderichsen 1964a; Elmquist 1964; Togeby 1964; Schmidt 1964; Lohmann 1964; Rosiello 1966; Holt 1966; Robins 1967; Pätsch 1969; Faucher 1969; Klausenburger 1970; Rüttenauer 1970; K. Hansen 1971.

·       Preface: Greimas 1966b; Werner 1968; Whitfield 1970; Lepschy 1970; Rischel 1984.


1964. [Min livsanskuelse]. Min livsanskuelse. Københavns: Reitzel, pp. 43-46.


1970a. [Réponse, 2/5-1944]. Bulletin du Cercle Linguistique de Copenhague. Choix de communications et d’interventions au débat lors des séances tenues entre septembre 1941 et mai 1965, 1941-1965, 8-31: pp. 71-74. København: Akademisk forlag.


1970b. [La théorie du langage, 23/4-1942]. Ibid.: pp. 96-99.


1970c. [Language and System, 19/9-1946]. Ibid.: pp. 101-02.


1970d. [Classification of the Variants and Description of the Substance of the Categories, 16/11-1954]. Ibid.: p. 102.


1970e. [The Problem of Case, 10/5-1950]. Ibid.: p. 109.


1970f. [Nombre et genre dans les langues sans différenciation complète des genres, 28/3-1946]. Ibid.: p. 110.


1970g. [The Status of Relative Clauses in Sentence Analysis, 7/11-1950]. Ibid.: pp. 137-53. Cf. ms 1950.


1970h. [Sentence Analysis: Emphasis and Catalysis, 13/2-1951]. Ibid.: pp. 153-61.


1970i. [Categories, Paradigms, Government, 17/4-1951]. Ibid.: pp. 168-71.


1970j. [Base et caractéristique, verbe et phrase nominale, 5/9-1946]. Ibid.: p. 172.


1970k. [Studies in the Structure of the Junction, 8/9-1956]. Ibid.: p. 172.


1970l. [Interventions et observations]. Ibid.: pp. 103-04, 162, 163, 164, 165, 173, 208 and 213.


1972. Sprogsystem og sprogforandring. TCLC, 15. København: Naturmetodens sproginstitut, Nordisk Sprog- og Kulturforlag. 159 pgs. Also listed as 1934a.


1973. Essais linguistiques II. TCLC, 14. København: Nordisk Sprog- og Kulturforlag. 278 pgs. Includes 16 articles, which are 1933a, 1936e, 1937a, 1937d, 1937f, 1938b, 1939a, 1939d, 1941c, 1942b, 1944d, 1947a, 1951a, 1951c, 1954e og 1957e.

·       Reviews: Robins 1973; Mignot 1975; Fudge 1975.


1975a. Résumé of a theory of language. Edited and translated with an introduction of Francis J. Whitfield.  TCLC, 16. København: Nordisk Sprog- og Kulturforlag. 280 pgs. Translation of ms 1943d/SR. Also printed as a book with same pagination, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press 1976, xxxi-280 pgs.


1975b. Skicë e grammatikës së shqipes. Studime filologjike, 29(1): pp. 129-42. Albanian translation of Louis Hjelmslev's ’Albanian Skeleton Grammar’ published in same issue, pp. 143-54, and in Studia albanica, 1975, 12(2): pp. 139-55. This Albanian Grammar was distributed from 1964 in duplicated form (17 + 8 s.). The sketch is without theoretical interest.


1978. L. Hjelmslevo lietuviški laiškai. Kalbotyra, 29(1): pp. 108-22. Contains letters from 1921 and 1924 in Lithuanian.


1981. [Letter to André Martinet 18/7-1946]. LH: Nouveaux essais. Paris: P.U.F., pp. 195-207. Many prepublications in France.



Louis Hjelmslev's manuscripts 1924-1960


If nothing else is mentioned, the following quoted manuscripts of Hjelmslev are to be found in Louis Hjelmslev's archive. Exceptionally are the letters, which are quoted without an ms-marking: These are to be found in different libraries, the letters to Jens Holt at the State Library in Aarhus (SB, 1653.2.1), all the other letters are at the Royal Library, distributed in several cases. Applications for projects are exceptions, addressed to the Rask-Ørsted Foundation (R.Ø.F.) or the Carlsberg Foundation; these can be found in the National Danish Archives and in the archives of the Carlsberg Foundation.


ms 1924. Brev til Svend Ranulf, 26/8-1924. SB 921.619.


ms 1933. Bidrag til læren om de grammatiske systemers almindelige bygning. LK 27/4-1933.


ms 1937. Forme et substance linguistiques. Conférence faite au Cercle Linguistique de Prague, le 25 octobre 1937.


ms 1938. Generalisationsprincippet i lingvistikken. [Brev til Svend Ranulf, 12/6-1938]. SB 921.590.


ms 1941a. Sprogteori. Résumé. Formulering 1941.


ms 1941b. Et sprogteoretisk causeri. English translation in 1973 (1941c).


ms 1942. Sprogteori. Praktisk del.


ms 1943a. Objektsprog, metasprog og ikkesprog. (Af en sprogforskers filosofiske bekendelse). Lecture held in Selskabet for filosofi og psykologi 11/5-1943.


ms 1943b. Forelæsning over sprogteori I.


ms 1943c. Forelæsning over sprogteori II.


ms 1943d/SR. Sprogteori. Résumé. [189 pgs.]. English translation by F. J. Whitfield (1975a).


ms 1944. Forelæsning over almen sprogvidenskab. (”Indledning til sprogvidenskaben”).


ms 1946. Semantikkens grundproblem.


ms 1948. Gennemgang af en række nyere værker vedrørende forholdet mellem sprog, tanke og virkelighed (lectures and colloquia 48I).


ms 1950. Resume of meetings in the Glossematic Committee, Autumn semester 1950. Translated in to English as 1970g.


ms 1951. Propositions à la Conférence européenne de sémantique [Nice 26-31 mars 1951]. Resumé i Devoto 1951. See also B.S.L., 47(1): p. xxiii.


ms 1960. Address delivered at the University of Copenhagen on the occasion of the award of the Sonning Prize to Bertrand Russell 19 April, 1960.



Manuscripts ascribed to Louis Hjelmslev 1942-1961


ms” 1942-43. Sprogteori. [’Toppen og Bolden’]. Forelæsninger febr. 1942 – dec. 1943. Printed by stenography of Harry Wett Frederiksen (HWF).


ms” 1943. [Observations]. BCLC, 1941-65, 8-31: pp. 226-27.


ms” 1945-47. [LH’s and H.J. Uldall's correspondance in the period of 1945-47 followed by ’Glossematiske spørgetimer’].


ms” 1947a. [Contribution to the debate on Holt 1946, LK 1/5-1947]. HWF.


ms” 1947b. [Contribution to the debate following Paul Diderichsens presentation ’Klasse, Relation, Helhedstype’, LK 20/11-1947]. HWF.


ms” 1948a. Udtrykssystemet i moderne fransk. [1 A4-page, stencilled, Sendt to the members of the Linguistic Circle before the meeting on the French phonemic pattern Dec. 1948 or Febr. 1949. Cf. R. Jakobson: S.W. 1: 426n].


ms” 1948b. Le système d’expression du français moderne (résumé). BCLC, 1941-65, 8-31: pp. 217-22, 223 and 224.


ms” 1949. Sentence analysis and syntax. BCLC, 1941-65, 8-31: pp. 129-33.


ms” 1951. [Diskussionsindlæg på Den europæiske Semantikkonference, Nice 1951]. Actes de la Conférence européenne de sémantique (Nice, 26-31 mars 1951) organisée par M.E. Benveniste (Paris) avec la participation de MM. C.E. Bazell (Istambul), G. Devoto (Florence), J.R. Firth (Londres), H. Frei (Genève), L. Hjelmslev (Charlottenlund), J. Lotz (Colombia U. New York), A. Sommerfelt (Oslo), S. Ullmann (Glasgow). [Nice]:  Société de linguistique de Paris.


ms” 1958. [On H.J. Uldall 1957]. BCLC, 1941-65, 8-31: pp. 76-77 and 78.


ms” 1961. Glossematics and contemporary linguistic theory. [Lectures at Department of Germanic Languages, University of Texas, Austin, febr. 1961. Dupl.].