Aarhus University Seal

Centre for the Rise of Science and Fiction

About the center

The Centre for the Rise of Science and Fiction investigates the relationship between science and fiction particularly in the early modern period and the Enlightenment (1600-1800), but it is also interested in the relationship between science and fiction in a broader perspective. The point of departure for the centre is the hypothesis that science and fiction supported each other's emergence in and around the age of Enlightenment and that there is still an often overlooked connection between fictionality and science.

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Career opportunities

Postdoc i fiktionalitet i videnskabelig kommunikation i 1700-tallet

Postdoc i fiktionalitet i videnskabelig kommunikation i 1700-tallet

  • Postdoc-stillingen er en fuldtids- og tidsbegrænset stilling på 2 år.
  • Ansøgningsfrist 1. september 2024

Postdoc i kommunikation af videnskab og fiktionalitet i danske 1700-talstidsskrifter

Postdoc i kommunikation af videnskab og fiktionalitet i danske 1700-talstidsskrifter

  • Postdoc-stillingen er en fuldtids- og tidsbegrænset stilling på 2 år
  • Ansøgningsfrist 1. september 2024

Head of centre