Aarhus University Seal

Summer university: "Artificial Intelligence and Co-creativity"

This summer, CLAI researchers teach a summer university course on AI and co-creativity.

Joseph Dumit and Andreas Roepstorff are teaching the AU summer-university course on “Artificial Intelligence and Co-creativity”. The quick development of LLMs challenge not only definitions of language and creativity, but also the production of students, whether writing or peer reviewing. The course is therefore aimed at enabling students to explore the history and principles of Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-3, to leverage LLMs as tools in writing and co-creating, as well as to critically assess and engage with the ethical issues related to LLMs.

The course is presently fully booked, but the syllabus can be viewed here: https://international.au.dk/education/admissions/summeruniversity/course/artificialintelligenceandcocreativity

– and keep an eye on our news section for more courses on LLMs and AI tools.