Aarhus University Seal

New report: Generative Artificial Intelligence for Education and Pedagogy

Morten H. Christiansen has been part of the committee at Cornell University which is presenting a new report, Generative Artificial Intelligence for Education and Pedagogy, on the use of generative AI in education - when to disallow, allow, and encourage its use.

Morten H. Christiansen, Cornell University and Aarhus University, has been part of a committee that has devised recommendations for using AI in education. The report presents thoughtful, balanced, and well-argued recommendations for when to encourage and when to avoid generative AI.  This is supplemented by a series of appendixes that give an overview of the state of the art in generative AI tools, and a series of field-specific ideas for uses in education, e.g. in writing, literature, programming, and social sciences.

The report is online at: https://teaching.cornell.edu/generative-artificial-intelligence/cu-committee-report-generative-artificial-intelligence-education.