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Call for Posters - Year 2 and Counting: The Impact of Generative AI on Text

The Center for Language Generation and AI (CLAI) has an open call for students and faculty to showcase their work at the poster session part of our event on April 24th at the Aarhus Institute for Advanced Studies (AIAS).

Poster Session on Generative AI

The Center for Language Generation and AI (CLAI) hosts a poster session as part of our event on April 24th at the Aarhus Institute for Advanced Studies (AIAS).

This session is an open call for students and faculty to showcase their work.

Submitting a poster

Themes for submission: We welcome posters that explore the application of generative text and AI across various domains, including but not limited to:

Education, Creative Processes, Communication, Business, Research

Additionally, we encourage submissions that focus on:

Ethical Considerations in AI, Experimental Frameworks, Evaluation Techniques for Large Language Models, Model Fine-tuning Strategies, Comparative Studies of Proprietary vs. Open-source Models, Small vs Large Language Models

Awards: The CLAI steering group jury will determine the top three posters, who will be honored with gift rewards.

Submission Guidelines: Interested participants should reach out to: pascale.moreira@cc.au.dk with a brief outline of their proposed poster topic.

The deadline for poster proposals submissions is April 8.