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Article on Asker Bryld Staunæs' project and the importance of language

Thinktank and Newsmedia Mandag Morgen has published an article featuring an interview with Asker Bryld Staunæs, discussing language simulation and AI as a writing aid in the context of political debate.

In a new article and interview by Mandag Morgen, Asker Bryld Staunæs underlines the importance of language in the context of political debate and in his political project The Synthetic Party, of which the front figure is the AI chatbot “Leader Lars”. An excerpt form the article reads:

One of the factors Staunæs studies is language. Usually, the developers of chatbots try to make the algorithm speak as correctly and understandably as possible. The Synthetic Party and Leader Lars must speak more like the people whose views he wants to represent. 

"I wanted to see if we could simulate the particular informal tone of many of the discussions, this more messy language that is very common among citizens who are interested in politics, but who are not necessarily trained in the rules of public speaking," says Asker Bryld Staunæs. Judging by some of the articles Leder Lars has written, that point has been made quite well. Staunæs also believes that an AI could help more people take part in the wider public conversation. 

"There are many people who want to discuss politics on the internet, but those in power have a hard time hearing them because they write badly or because they are unsystematised in their arguments. If they start using ChatGPT, for example to write their Facebook texts, you might be able to understand their views better," says Staunæs.


With a subscription, you can read the full article here: https://www.mm.dk/artikel/det-syntetiske-partis-formand-er-chatbotten-leder-lars