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Christian Dindler, Associate Professor at the Department of Digital Design and Information Studies, has been appointed Distinguished Senior Innovator (DSI) by Aarhus University. In…
Professor Peter Dalsgaard has received the Elite Research Prize for his innovative research, which shows that we need to rethink the way we understand and develop IT if it is to…
Ole Sejer Iversen, professor i interaktionsdesign ved AU og Michael E. Caspersen, direktør ved It-vest og adjungeret professor ved Institut for Datalogi, er de første modtagere af…
We carry out research through design, making practical design experiments aimed at gaining insight into interaction design – design process, as well as interface and use.
Introducing students to knowledge, tools, techniques, and technologies that enable them to work with practical dimensions within digital design, with a focus on physical interaction.
Digital Design and Information Studies Helsingforsgade 14, 8200 Aarhus N Detailed map