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The first presentation in the Seminar Series: "What Do Critical Data Practices Look Like, and How Do We Care?"
A guest talk by Dr Jonathan Gray (King’s College, London) on environmental data.
The second presentation in the seminar series: "What Do Critical Data Practices Look Like, and How Do We Care?"
Professor Matthew Fuller gives the 2nd Annual DARC Distinguished Lecture: “Art as Metadiscipline”
I sin præsentation undersøger kunstneren Kristoffer Ørums anvendelse af AI i hans projekt "Frihed, lighed og Hip-hop." Ørum betragter ikke AI som en…
We carry out research through design, making practical design experiments aimed at gaining insight into interaction design – design process, as well as interface and use.
Introducing students to knowledge, tools, techniques, and technologies that enable them to work with practical dimensions within digital design, with a focus on physical interaction.
Digital Design and Information Studies Helsingforsgade 14, 8200 Aarhus N Detailed map