Aarhus Universitets segl

Cultural sustainability and museums. From sustainable scenography to the great transformation

Online talk

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Mandag 26. august 2024,  kl. 11:00 - 12:30


Online by Zoom

Cultural sustainability and museums. From sustainable scenography to the great transformation

Dr. Christopher J. Garthe, Creative Director at Studio klv in Germany, will present his 2023 book “The Sustainable Museum" on August 26 from 11:00 to 12:30 p.m. To participate, please join the Zoom meeting

In his presentation, Dr. Garthe will discuss the following key points:

  • What does cultural sustainability mean for the museum and exhibition sector?
  • How can the contribution of exhibitions to cultural sustainability be improved?
  • Which concrete instruments for implementation are expedient?

The talk will go beyond focusing on purely cultural sustainability and how to communicate it but will outline the comprehensive picture of a sustainable museum of the future. Before this background, it will discuss the impact of museums on a societal transformation towards a culture of sustainability.

Dr. Christopher Garthe is a creative director and consultant for sustainability in museums and exhibitions. He develops exhibitions related to sustainable topics and supports museums, visitor centres, and science centres in implementing sustainability management. Dr. Garthe holds a PhD in geography, landscape ecology, regional planning, adult education, lifelong learning, and journalism. Since 2009, he has been working at Studio klv and is active as a lecturer, author, and speaker on sustainability in the cultural sector: https://www.studioklv.de/en/topics/sustainability-exhibitions-museums/