PhD Defence: Ana Paulla Braga Mattos
MA Ana Paulla Braga Mattos will be defending the PhD Dissertation "Kalunga: An Afro-Brazilian Portuguese Variety". The defence is arranged by the School of Communication and Culture.
Oplysninger om arrangementet
Auditorium 3 (1441-113), Taasingegade 3, 8000 Aarhus C.
You can find the poster for the event here.
The dissertation will be available for reading before the defence at the department, office of Nelly Dupont, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 2 (1485-339), 8000 Aarhus C.
The defence is scheduled for three hours and is open to the public. Everyone is welcome.
After the defence a reception will be held in the staff lounge of the department, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 2, (1485-344), 8000 Aarhus.
Assessment Committee
- Associate professor Susana Silvia Fernández, Aarhus University (chair).
- Professor emeritus Joseph Clancy Clements, Indiana University, Bloomington.
- Professor Heliana Ribeiro de Mello, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.
- Associate professor Peter Bakker, Aarhus University.
- Associate professor Eeva Sippola, University of Helsinki.